Monday, July 25, 2011

7/20/11 Meeting

The meeting opened with the announcement that Josh Putnam, creator and blogger of Frontloading Headquarters (FHQ) will be attending next week’s meeting. Josh is a nationally renowned expert on the presidential primary schedule and may grace the group with a short presentation on this cycle’s changes to the primary schedule. Whether or not Josh gives a formal presentation, this will be a great meeting to attend as Josh’s insights on the “rule of the game” and on the Republican nomination will no doubt be instructive and informative. Details regarding his visit will be released as soon as possible.

The meeting opened with a discussion of whether Perry’s Tea Party credentials and support have thus far been overstated both in the media and within our group discussions. An Associated Press article published on the morning of the meeting discusses how Tea Party groups from Texas and early primary state New Hampshire “are collaborating to criticize Perry’s record on immigration, public health and spending, and his former affiliation with the Democratic Party” in the hopes of derailing his potential bid for the Republican Party nomination. Tea Party members behind the effort are quoted as saying that his record as Governor Texas does not match Perry’s conservative rhetoric and accuse him of being too moderate and a former Tea Party challenger to Perry in his last reelection bid accused the governor of talking like a Tea Party candidate but not governing like one. The article reveals that Perry’s Tea Party support may not be strong enough for him to siphon off Bachmann supporters should he enter the race and contradicts some members (including the author’s) contentions that Perry may be the double threat candidate the GOP field sorely needs.

The discussion again turned to why Perry is waiting to throw his hat into the ring. No other information has been released regarding Americans for Perry efforts to cajole the governor to enter the race or whether Perry has been successful in his efforts to be added to the Ames Straw Poll ballot despite missing the deadline in June. Some in the group opine that Perry will hold off on any announcement until after the debt ceiling deadline of August 2nd in order to avoid having to address the issue. Many Tea Party supporters as well as Tea Party congressional members do not support raising the debt ceiling under any circumstance. This could put Perry into an untenable situation where he is forced to take a position that may alienate the Tea Party, further complicating the issues raised above.

Additionally, the latest generic poll results were discussed which show that Obama is slightly down in the generic poll (a Republican candidate) but beats each of the Republican candidates when they are listed individually by name. The discussion then turned to the Ames Straw Poll. The group feels that anything below 3rd place for Pawlenty would likely result in his pulling out of the contest and that anyone finishing below Gringrich will likewise be forced to withdraw. As of today, the race for a first place finish between Romney and Bachmann is heated, with Bachmann showing a slight edge in the latest poll released last week.

Finally the meeting closed with a discussion of the attention being lavished on Mark Bachmann’s clinical psychology practice, which offers controversial gay-straight conversion counseling, a practice which is not approved or endorsed by the APA. The discussion was focused on whether or not it has the potential to turn into a mainstream problem or if it will be relegated to the blogosphere and late night comedy. Regardless, the controversy is a result of Bachmann’s newly minted front-runner status in Iowa, which is the catalyst between Pawlenty’s attack on Bachmann’s record in congress and migraine-gate. Both of these issues are sure to be discussed this Wednesday-hope to see you there! (Wed. at 3:30 in room 302 Baldwin Hall)

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